
5 Flash Facts About Metal Roofing

Metal is one of the most popular roofing materials on the market today. With its versatility, toughness, and eco-friendliness, it certainly makes a worthwhile long-term investment.

Metal Roofing

Here, Arry’s Roofing shares a few fascinating facts about metal roofing:

1. Metal Is Now Second to Asphalt Shingles

Thanks to Americans’ newfound love for energy-efficient and sustainable building products, the demand for metal roofing is on the rise. A recent study by the Dodge Data and Analytics revealed that it jumped from 8% of the residential roofing market in 2014 to 11% in 2015, making it second to asphalt shingle.

2. Metal Roofs Don’t Attract Lightning

Contrary to popular belief, a metal roof is not a lightning magnet. To put things into perspective, nothing attracts lightning. Metal may be a good conductor of electricity, but having it overhead doesn’t increase the likelihood of lightning striking your home. Compared to other roofing materials, especially wood, metal is actually safer because it’s non-combustible.

3. Metal Is No Noisier Than Other Roofs in the Rain

Adequate attic space and insulation will act as an acoustic barrier on your metal roof, insulating your indoor rooms against the noise from rain and hail.

4. Metal Roofs Don’t Easily Dent

It would take golf ball–sized hailstones to dent a metal roof. In a typical hailstorm, a metal roof would not be impacted at all.

At Arry’s Roofing, we offer an innovative stone-coated metal roofing system for excellent strength and durability. Plus, the added texture would make minor denting less distinguishable from the ground.

5. Metal Roofing Is a Legacy to Your Children

Replace your roof with metal and there’s a great chance it would be your last roof. With proper installation and carefree maintenance, your metal roof could live for more than 50 years and outlast most of its contemporaries. By the time it requires a replacement, your child, or even grandchild, would be the one tackling the re-roofing.

Choose our metal roofing for your property in Tampa, FL. Call Arry’s Roofing now at (727) 938-9565 to schedule your FREE roof inspection and get an estimate at your convenience.