
Tropical Storm Preparations

Tropical Storm Isaac is expected to hit the Tampa Bay area early on Monday morning August 27.


As your fellow Tampa Bay residents, our concern during the approach of a tropical storm turns to the personal safety of our family, friends and neighbors. The news that Tropical Storm Isaac is expected to arrive here after the weekend makes preparation a priority in the next two days. For people who have experienced this type of situation before, they may have already begun getting ready for the potential damaging winds and heavy rains. But there are still a great many people who have yet to get started so we want to take a moment to help you get started.

There are three phases to consider. Understanding your responsibility during each phase is important in protecting yourself, your family and your home. The following material was carefully prepared by the weather experts at the Weather Channel as a helpful resource for situations like the one we’re about to face. Take a few minutes to reach about each phase today.

Click HERE to read an article about how to effectively prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac in Tampa Bay.

Click HERE to read about how to safely protect yourself and your property while the Tropical Storm Isaac is passing over Tampa Bay.

Click HERE to learn how to respond to storm damage and related situations once Tropical Storm Isaac has exited Tampa Bay. 

Once your preparations are done and you have time, be sure to check in on others on your street to make sure they are prepared for the damaging weather conditions that accompany a tropical storm. Your neighbors, especially ones with a disability or the elderly, will appreciate your thoughtfulness. If you don’t have your neighbor’s phone number already, make sure you get it in order to check on them in the hours following the worst of the tropical weather.

The family at Arry’s Roofing will also be using this time to prepare for a worst case scenario but we are available to take your calls if you have urgent questions. We want you to be safe, first and foremost, and as informed as you can be. To reach us, call 727-938-9565.