
Why Should You Have Your Roof Replaced?

Roof replacement is no trivial matter. It takes considerable time and resources, so it’s a good idea to do some research before you need to replace yours. As experts at roofing in St. Petersburg, we are happy to explain some of the common reasons to have your roof replaced.

Roof Replacement

You Get a Fresh Roof

Even the toughest roofs can sustain significant damage from the elements, and the state of your roof may reach a point when it’s beyond repair. Aging roofs are notorious for having problems on a regular basis, which can quickly rack up repair bills. Getting a new roof means you won’t have to worry about repairs for quite a while.

You Can Revamp Your Home’s Look

Getting a new roof is also one of the best ways to update the look of your home. You don’t even have to completely change your roof’s profile; just switching to a different type of roofing in Clearwater can make a big difference. Since the roof has a major impact on your home’s overall appearance, you can even use it as a first step to changing your home’s visual theme.

You Get Better Energy Efficiency

Roofs tend to lose their energy efficiency as they age. The longer you keep your old roof, the more you lose in terms of energy savings. Switching to a new roof made of energy-efficient materials can not only cut down your electric bill, but it also helps you minimize your home’s negative impact on the environment.

You Get More Value Out of a New Roof

According to recent statistics, the long term energy savings and the extra value you gain from roof replacement allow you to recoup up to 75% of the roof’s initial cost. Compare it to what you’re losing by keeping a deteriorated roof and it’s easy to understand why experts in roofing in Dunedin, FL, recommend roof replacement.

Ready for a new roof? Call Arry’s Roofing at (727) 938-9565 or fill out our contact form to learn more about your roofing options.