
Roofing 101: Common Roofing Mistakes

Replacing a roof is definitely not an easy task and should only be undertaken by seasoned professionals. The problem is: with so many roofing scammers lurking around, how can you be sure that you’ve hired a reliable roofing company and that your roof will be properly installed?

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Here are a few tips by Arry’s Roofing, one of the most trusted roofing contractors in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Clearwater, and Palm Harbor:

Hiring a Reliable Contractor

As mentioned earlier, there are many dubious roofers out there waiting to pounce on their latest victim. If you want to avoid scammers, make sure to check if the roofer is:

  • A local roofer
  • Licensed and insured
  • Has been in business for a long time
  • Has a reputable track record in the community as well as in the industry
  • Offers industry leading warranties for both work and roofing materials

Aside from choosing the right roofing contractor, homeowners should also be vigilant and attentive during the installation itself. Being familiar with each roofing component and how things work will help you inspect and assess the project yourself.

Also, knowing these common mistakes can help you avoid being a victim of scammers:

Mismatched Shingles and Improper Installation

Even if you invest in the most expensive roofing product with all the latest features, you will certainly not be able to enjoy its benefits if the roofing is poorly installed. Plus, if the installer is using mismatched shingles, it won’t just be your roof’s looks that suffer, but its performance too.

Incorrect Flashing Installation

The flashing prevents water from seeping into your home through the chimneys and valleys. If the flashing’s length is insufficient or if it’s not installed properly, you will surely have a problem.

No Drip Edge and/or No Leak Barrier

Similar to flashings, drip edges and leak barriers help prevent water from leaking into our homes.

Improper Use of Nails

Improper use of nails − such as too much or under driven nails or improperly placed nails − can damage your shingles, which in turn can damage the roof decking and other components of your home.

If you are in need of a trusted Tampa roofer, you can always count on Arry’s Roofing. For more than 25 years, Arry’s Roofing has been providing residents in the area with quality roofing products and services, making sure that our customers are 100% satisfied with our work.

Know more about our company as well as our products and services by browsing through this site by calling (727) 938-9565. Choose Arry’s Roofing for all your roofing needs today!